From Scarcity to Abundance

Welcome to the Ambiance of Well-Being ! Here we will focus on Abundance. How to tune into the frequency of positive energy, and create an environment of health, wealth, and abundance.
Buckminster Fuller said during our 1st Energy Crisis in the 1970's. "There Is No Energy Crisis, There is a Crisis of Ignorance". The Information Age is moving us away from the scarcity mentality of the Industrial Era, and has the opportunity to bring to the masses the truth of how the universe works through abundance. The internet can be the perfect vehicle to break through this ignorance, and bring the truth to light. We will strive to show how "Going Green" and focusing on renewable, and alternative energies will build an atmosphere of an abundant healthy environment.

Let's create a Better world together!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Moms 4 Green Living: Chesco residents come together to fight warming

Moms 4 Green Living: Chesco residents come together to fight warming

Take a look at this blog post on the "Moms 4 Green Living" site. It took place last weekend, and made it on the Front page of the Phoenixville newspaper. That's me sitting on the steps in the black jacket & 'Eco-bag' to the left of the sign. We were Freezing for Global Warming.


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Friday, November 14, 2008

The Climate for Change

Cover of Climate Change: The Ipcc Response Strategies
Below is an Op-Ed piece by Al Gore where he points to the election of Barack Obama as an opportunity to begin the implementation of his 10 Year Plan, which is essentially a commitment
to producing 100 percent of our electricity from carbon-free sources
within 10 years. Mr. Gore makes the argument that this will not only help with climate change, but also with National security and energy independence.

Op-Ed Contributor The Climate for Change By AL GORE Published: November 9, 2008
The inspiring and transformative choice by the American people to elect
Barack Obama as our 44th president lays the foundation for another
fateful choice that he -- and we -- must make this January to begin an
emergency rescue of human civilization from the imminent and rapidly
growing threat posed by the climate crisis.

The electrifying redemption of America's revolutionary declaration that
all human beings are born equal sets the stage for the renewal of
United States leadership in a world that desperately needs to protect
its primary endowment: the integrity and livability of the planet.

The world authority on the climate crisis, the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, after 20 years of detailed study and four unanimous
reports, now says that the evidence is "unequivocal." To those who are
still tempted to dismiss the increasingly urgent alarms from scientists
around the world, ignore the melting of the north polar ice cap and all
of the other apocalyptic warnings from the planet itself, and who roll
their eyes at the very mention of this existential threat to the future
of the human species, please wake up. Our children and grandchildren
need you to hear and recognize the truth of our situation, before it is
too late.

Here is the good news: the bold steps that are needed to solve the
climate crisis are exactly the same steps that ought to be taken in
order to solve the economic crisis and the energy security crisis.

Economists across the spectrum -- including Martin Feldstein and
Lawrence Summers -- agree that large and rapid investments in a
jobs-intensive infrastructure initiative is the best way to revive our
economy in a quick and sustainable way. Many also agree that our
economy will fall behind if we continue spending hundreds of billions
of dollars on foreign oil every year. Moreover, national security
experts in both parties agree that we face a dangerous strategic
vulnerability if the world suddenly loses access to Middle Eastern oil.

As Abraham Lincoln said during America's darkest hour, "The occasion is
piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our
case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew." In our present case,
thinking anew requires discarding an outdated and fatally flawed
definition of the problem we face.
Read more . . .

Al Gore, the vice president from 1993 to 2001, was the co-recipient of the
Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He founded the Alliance for Climate
Protection and, as a businessman, invests in alternative energy

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Are We Gonna Sit Back and Let IT Happen?

 Now is the time to take Action.  

People need to pull together and create a NEW WORLD.  The Wall Street Fraud has come home to roost, and now the Government is attempting to create a new socialized economy.

This weekend is a chance to let them know we will not take this sitting down.  We will demand a new paradigm.  Create Green Jobs, start the sustainable Green economy.  Build a World of Abundance!

There will be events held  over this weekend, September 27 & 28, 2008, around the Nation and here in Downingtown, PA.   Green Jobs Now; National Day of Action & the EcoFare in Downingtown's Kerr Park.


Dowingtown, PA

September 28, 2008 11:00AM to 09:00PM

Hosted by Timothy Sadler

Event Description:

*EcoFare is a not for profit non partisan community event interested in promoting renewable energies, sustainability, and green living taking place Sunday September 28th in Downingtown, Pa 19335 @ the wonderful Kerr Park from 11am - 9pm Highlights of the day include:

* Hybrid cars on display and available for pre-order 
* A broad array of green friendly vendors and exhibitors -- Kimberton Whole Foods, School of Rock, Alternative Energy INC., Earth Mart, Green Savers, The Sierra Club, more coming board every day -- hopefully your organization will be next
* Games and activities with prizes of value donated by local businesses -- Chic-Fil-A, Regal Entertainment, Papa Johns, BC Collectibles, fine dining outings plus much more coming soon 
* A town hall discussion focused on eco-accountability, sustainability issues featuring local and regional experts in relating fields 
* A Concert for a Green Earth featuring some of Philly's top rising stars (Sisters3, Cheers Elephant, Drink Up Buttercup, The Sermon, Lauren Adams, When Cars Ascend)

**All proceeds of EcoFare will go towards bettering MPG standards in America and America's 10 year Green Energy Initutive through EcoFare's steering committee. If you have interest in becoming part of EcoFare's steering committee simply let me know.

Max Attendees: 2000 (Currently 27 Registered) 

Kerr Park Downingtown
Just off of Rt. 202 & 30.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Preview of "Green Goes With Everything"

This week a new book will be available which will be a practical guide of how to "Go Green". It was written be freelance contributor to the Today Show, Sloan Barnett. The book is titled: "Green Goes With Everything", and will show how, with just a few simple, but important, changes you can detoxify your home and your family.

Here is a brief introduction by Sloan Barnett:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Clean-Energy Corporate Leverage

Now that many multi-national corporations have made a commitment to get into the clean energy business, they may be able to have some leverage over government programs and subsidies. This could be reminiscent of the leverage Big Oil has held over government subsidies. If the government doesn't cooperate, then they use their leverage. That is, they just take there business elsewhere, to a country which will give them the subsidies they want to develop clean energy technologies.

Below is a story of what GE is doing now to lobby congress to renew the Clean-Energy credits.

September 12, 2008, 2:25 pm
Industry to Congress: Renew the Expiring Clean-Energy Credits

Posted by Keith Johnson

The U.S. Congress may be “out of gas” when it comes to drafting an energy policy, as the Washington Post edit page moans, but General Electric’s John Krinicki doesn’t mind giving legislators a push.

He only had to battle giants, not the Senate (Wikipedia)

The head of GE Energy, the conglomerate’s unit that makes everything from wind turbines to nuclear reactors, flew down to Washington again today to plead with senators to extend tax credits for renewable energy. The credits, still crucial to making clean energy competitive, are set to expire at the end of the year, despite at least eight tries so far to renew them. That threatens to slam the brakes on two gangbuster years for American wind and solar power.

“I’m prepared to come down every week to say the same thing,” he told us. “If the production tax credit expires in the U.S., the wind industry will collapse. As the clock ticks, you put jobs at risk.”

Mr. Krinicki’s testimony is part of a broader Senate look today at America’s energy future. Among the heavyweights also on parade: Rick Waggoner, CEO of General Motors; Marvin Odum, the president of Shell Oil; Gary Cohn, co-president of Goldman Sachs; Dan Yergin of Cambridge Energy Research Associates; and Dan Reicher, Google’s clean-energy guru.

Mr. Krinicki thinks his clean-energy arguments will find a more receptive audience in the Senate than when he made identical pleas more than a year ago. The real problem isn’t support for clean energy per se, he says, but the messy politics that makes it tough to renew the credits.

And he says the beauty of jumpstarting clean-tech with the tax credits is that it doesn’t require inventing a whole new energy policy—just renewing an existing one.

So what happens if Congress doesn’t renew clean-energy subsidies?

“If the U.S.government is not going to be reliable and predictable [on clean-energy policy], we’ll go to Germany and China,” he says, pointing to countries that have long-term, aggressive plans in place to promote clean energy. China could pass the U.S. next year to become the second-biggest wind-power country, after Germany.

Mr. Krinicki’s GE boss Jeff Immelt said something similar earlier this year, threatening to sell clean-tech equipment to countries like Turkey if the U.S. doesn’t fix its “hellish” energy policy. Still, foreign companies are still flocking to the U.S. market—GE rival Siemens just announced it will build a new wind-turbine factory in the U.S., even with the subsidy question still up in the air.

Will this Congress renew the tax credits at the buzzer? Or have two years of world-beating renewable-energy growth taken away any sense of urgency?

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Is Global Warming from CO2 a Fraud?

One goal I have for this blog is to present both sides of the argument.   I also want the focus to be on the abundance that exists all around us, to tap into the laws that drive the universe.  Here is some interesting arguments against the concept of man made global warming.  It's main premise is that CO2 does not have a major affect on the weather.  "The climate is controlled by the clouds, the clouds are controlled by cosmic rays, and cosmic rays are controlled by the Sun."  Weather is therefore controlled by the Sun.  Interesting.  Please take the time to watch this.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Maine Trip

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. My wife, Charlene, and I have been busy vacationing in Maine. Here is a short slideshow of our relaxing time near Booth Bay Harbor, Maine.
Hope you enjoy the beauty of the place.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Embrace Change

I just used a neat new tool on the We Campaign website to send a Letter to the Editor of several newspapers. Here is what I wrote:
Subject: Embracing Change
Dear Friends,

Today we are at a crossroads. The path we choose, as a society, will determine if we continue down the path of scarcity or choose the path of abundance. People can't afford to remain in denial. Just because gasoline prices have dropped below $4.00 a gallon doesn't mean it is now cheap. Energy independence does not necessarily mean we drill for more oil off the coastlines of the United States or in protected areas. Oil is running out. That is scarcity, and continuing to destroy our environment. It will just put off the inevitable. Why expand drilling (destroying our environment), when we can expand safe and cheap renewable alternatives?
Let's embrace abundance! Let's work with Mother Nature and utilize the abundant energy sources all around us. We Can do this! Al Gore's challenge is not a pipe dream. America can generate 100% of our electricity from clean sources. The technology is here NOW! Many new innovations are sitting in filing cabinets of inventors who made these breakthroughs in the 1930's, '40's & 50's. They may not have been economically feasible then, but with today's technology they are viable now. We CAN do this in 10 years, if "we the people" demand this of our political leaders, and we Demand they take action NOW!

Ed Kerollis

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Economist Debate on the Global Energy Crisis

There is an interesting debate going on over at The What is interesting about the current debate which began on August 19th is that, basically, both sides are essentially saying the same thing. The only apparent difference seems to be that the PRO side wants to ignore funding for innovation right now and concentrate on utilizing current technologies, while the CON side believes we should fully fund both, putting current technologies into production NOW, and fully funding promising innovations.

The Pro side is represented by Joseph J. Romm, Senior Fellow at the Centre for American Progress, and the Con side is represented by Peter Meisen, President, Global Energy Network Institute (GENI). The debate statement being discussed is: "We can solve our energy problems with existing technologies today, without the need for breakthrough innovations."

The opening statements and rebuttals both present interesting viewpoints, but the real gem for me, so far, has been the wealth of information in the comments section. I highly recommend giving this a look.

Dr David Sinclair take on Resveratrol

Check out this video! It is about 15 minutes long, but it is interesting to hear about the real science behind the study of anti-aging. Resveratrol (pronounced: Res - - Vera - - Trol) is the ingredient found in Red Wine, that scientists believe is responsible for cellular regeneration. It cleans up your cells. There is more information on this at the link on the left "Get Younger Here!". The link is under "Get Started Here".

Monday, August 18, 2008

Challenge in the Face of Complacency

Now that oil prices have dipped a little, many are eager to feed their denial. They will justify continuing the status quo, and ignore that the developing world will need much more energy in the coming years. They will be tempted to put the development of alternative energies on the (pun intended) back burner.

Now is when we need to demand a change. To create a challenge, no matter how unrealistic it sounds. After all, at the time, going to the moon in 10 years was totally unrealistic.

Today We Can Solve It .org announced a new Ad Campaign that will air during the political conventions. Here is their quote:

Together, We Can Repower America

More than 1,484,921 have joined

We must rebuild our economy, lower fuel costs, free ourselves from our addiction to oil, and save ourselves from the climate crisis. To do this, we need to demand that we Repower America with 100% clean electricity within 10 years. Meeting this ambitious goal would create millions of new jobs, lead to lower energy costs for families and help America lead the fight against global warming.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How do you spell relief? HB2200

PennFuture (Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future) has been working for several years to advocate effective solutions for the problems of pollution, sprawl and global warming. They enforce environmental laws and work to transform public policy, public opinion and the marketplace to restore and protect the environment. They also want to assure that Pennsylvania becomes a state at the forefront of the new clean energy economy, where companies want to locate bringing great paying green jobs.

Right now, they urgently are working for the quick passage of HB 2200 during the next session of the Pennsylvania Senate. This bill assure that Pennsylvania families and businesses will have powerful tools to save on their electric bills, especially since electricity rate caps come off state wide in January 2011.

Jan Jarrett, vice president of PennFuture recently said in a press release:
“Pennsylvania’s families and businesses are facing high energy costs now, and by January 2011, when the remaining electricity rate caps come off statewide, electricity rates will rise, which is not surprising after 14 years of capped rates,” said Jan Jarrett, vice president of PennFuture. “Electricity prices in Pennsylvania have been capped since 1996, and electricity has not increased in constant or inflation adjusted dollars unlike gasoline, home heating oil, natural gas and other energy products.

“Reducing demand for energy and for electricity through conservation is the surest, quickest way to reduce energy prices and electricity bills,” continued Jarrett. “Reduced demand for oil – not drilling – is the major reason why the price for oil has fallen from $147 to $113 per barrel in the last month. HB 2200, the energy savings bill, must pass right away if the electricity conservation programs will be in place when the remaining electricity rate caps are removed in the next 16 to 28 months.”

To read more about this, and the pledge being asked to be made by all members of the Pennsylvania Senate, go to: PennFuture launches campaign to give Pennsylvania's families and businesses powerful tools to save on electricity bills

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What is Success?

The True Meaning of Success

by Alexander Green, Chairman, Investment U
Investment Director, The Oxford Club

"What is success?" asked Ralph Waldo Emerson, "To laugh often and much. To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children. To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty. To find the best in others. To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition. To know even one life breathed easier because you have lived; this is to have succeeded."

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Which Solar Technology will Survive?

Here is a good discussion on the future of solar as a business venture.

Which solar technology will survive?

Tech execs discuss photovoltaic ideas

At the Cleantech Forum in San Francisco, Todd Glass of Heller Ehrman moderates a discussion on the various solar technologies making a difference in the green movement. From thin film PVs to concentrating solar, which technology is best-suited for deployment on a utility scale? Attempting to answer this question are panelists Peter Duprey, CEO at Acciona; Ricardo Angel, senior vice president at GE Energy Financial Services; and Fong Wan, vice president of energy procurement at PG&E.

Monday, August 11, 2008

How to change the World

Going Green does not necessarily mean giving up something. But, it does mean changing how we are used to doing things. Right now it can be an opportunity to create your own Green Business. To plug into a world of sustainability and renewal. Plug into the natural world of abundance. Create opportunities for others by showing them how to be self-sufficient.

Here is an article from a daily paper in New Orleans covering the Annual Shaklee convention.

To learn more about Shaklee Corp. check out the "Getting Started" links at the top left of the page.
Small-scale entrepreneurialism can breed self-sufficiency, expert says

by Stephanie Bruno, The Times-Picayune

Friday August 08, 2008, 7:11 PM

Small-scale entrepreneurialism can lead to self-sufficiency and boost local economies, according to Vidar Jorgensen, adviser to the Bangladesh bank that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

Jorgensen sat on a panel Thursday night in New Orleans about green and small-scale business opportunities, where he explained how his Bangladesh bank's mirofinancing practices led to its receipt of the Nobel prize.

Jorgensen is chairman of the World Health Care Congress and serves on the advisory committee of the Grameen Bank. According to Jorgensen, Grameen makes small loans of less than $200 to low-income borrowers but doesn't demand collateral. Loans are aimed at financing self-employment projects that will lead to financial self-reliance. One of the bank's initiatives enabled tens of thousands of women, "the poorest of the poor," to become economically self-sustaining.

"Most beggars are women who are divorced or widowed or abandoned. There are no jobs for them if they lose a provider, so they go door to door begging for money," Jorgensen explained. "Then someone thought, well, since they're already going door to door, what if they took something with them they could sell? Fruit or a toy or something? The bank loaned the money for them to acquire the goods to sell, and now 100,000 former beggars are self-sufficient."

If the approach can work in Bangladesh, Jorgensen suggested, it can work anywhere that populations are struggling and financially dependent. The key is to provide small but targeted assistance and to help them discover the entrepreneurial potential within themselves.

David Bach, a personal finance expert and best-selling author, also sat on the panel and spoke of the new business opportunities opening up in green industries, or industries that focus on sustainability and preserving the environment.

Bach said he was inspired to write his latest book, "Go Green, Live Rich," after he and his family moved into a green building in Manhattan and began to notice improvements in their personal health.

"I honestly believe it's going to be the economic opportunity of a lifetime," Bach said of the emerging green industry. "The green industry is going to make the tech industry of the '90s look small."

The panel was held in conjunction with the annual conference of Shaklee Corp., a company that sells a range of environmentally friendly products.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Change Your Thinking

To illustrate the idea of changing our thinking from one of scarcity to one of Abundance, I will present a few quotes from the 1997 book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine M. Benyus. She discusses a subject long understood by many Indigenous People, that of learning from Nature instead of working to conquer Nature.

“We must draw our standards from the natural world. We must honor with the humility of the wise the bounds of that natural world and the mystery which lies beyond them, admitting that there is something in the order of being which evidently exceeds all our competence. -Valclav Havel, president of the Czech Republic” (Chapter 1, page 1)

"In a society accustomed to dominating or "improving" nature, this respectful imitation is a radically new approach, a revolution really. Unlike the Industrial Revolution, the Biomimicry Revolution introduces an era based not on what we can extract from nature, but on what we can learn from her." (Chapter 1, page 2)

“They know that nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved the problems we are struggling to solve. Our challenge is to take these time-tested ideas and echo them in our own lives.” (Chapter 1, page 4)

Benyus, Janine M. Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by nature. New York: HarperCollins, 1997.