Right now, they urgently are working for the quick passage of HB 2200 during the next session of the Pennsylvania Senate. This bill assure that Pennsylvania families and businesses will have powerful tools to save on their electric bills, especially since electricity rate caps come off state wide in January 2011.
Jan Jarrett, vice president of PennFuture recently said in a press release:“Pennsylvania’s families and businesses are facing high energy costs now, and by January 2011, when the remaining electricity rate caps come off statewide, electricity rates will rise, which is not surprising after 14 years of capped rates,” said Jan Jarrett, vice president of PennFuture. “Electricity prices in Pennsylvania have been capped since 1996, and electricity has not increased in constant or inflation adjusted dollars unlike gasoline, home heating oil, natural gas and other energy products.
“Reducing demand for energy and for electricity through conservation is the surest, quickest way to reduce energy prices and electricity bills,” continued Jarrett. “Reduced demand for oil – not drilling – is the major reason why the price for oil has fallen from $147 to $113 per barrel in the last month. HB 2200, the energy savings bill, must pass right away if the electricity conservation programs will be in place when the remaining electricity rate caps are removed in the next 16 to 28 months.”
To read more about this, and the pledge being asked to be made by all members of the Pennsylvania Senate, go to: PennFuture launches campaign to give Pennsylvania's families and businesses powerful tools to save on electricity bills