I just used a neat new tool on the We Campaign website to send a Letter to the Editor of several newspapers. Here is what I wrote:
Subject: Embracing Change
Dear Friends,
Today we are at a crossroads. The path we choose, as a society, will determine if we continue down the path of scarcity or choose the path of abundance. People can't afford to remain in denial. Just because gasoline prices have dropped below $4.00 a gallon doesn't mean it is now cheap. Energy independence does not necessarily mean we drill for more oil off the coastlines of the United States or in protected areas. Oil is running out. That is scarcity, and continuing to destroy our environment. It will just put off the inevitable. Why expand drilling (destroying our environment), when we can expand safe and cheap renewable alternatives?
Let's embrace abundance! Let's work with Mother Nature and utilize the abundant energy sources all around us. We Can do this! Al Gore's challenge is not a pipe dream. America can generate 100% of our electricity from clean sources. The technology is here NOW! Many new innovations are sitting in filing cabinets of inventors who made these breakthroughs in the 1930's, '40's & 50's. They may not have been economically feasible then, but with today's technology they are viable now. We CAN do this in 10 years, if "we the people" demand this of our political leaders, and we Demand they take action NOW!
Ed Kerollis