Welcometo the Ambiance of Well-Being ! Here we will focus on Abundance. How to tune into the frequency of positive energy, and create an environment of health, wealth, and abundance. Buckminster Fuller said during our 1st Energy Crisis in the 1970's. "There Is No Energy Crisis, There is a Crisis of Ignorance". The Information Age is moving us away from the scarcity mentality of the Industrial Era, and has the opportunity to bring to the masses the truth of how the universe works through abundance. The internet can be the perfect vehicle to break through this ignorance, and bring the truth to light. We will strive to show how "Going Green" and focusing on renewable, and alternative energies will build an atmosphere of an abundant healthy environment.
Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School recently made the video section of the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Sinclair is best known for his extensive research on "resveratrol", which is the key ingredient found in the grapes used in Red Wine that has been found to possess anti-aging properties. Dr. Sinclair has recently joined up with Shaklee Corp. to produce their new anti-aging tonic 'Vivix".
Now, month's after joining the board, and promoting the product at Corporate meetings, Dr. Sinclair is resigning, probably because of the exposure of the Wall Street Journal. The Journal's Health Blog posted Jacob Goldstein's article Harvard Researcher Tied to Shaklee ‘Anti-Aging Tonic’ Vivix, where it is quoted that the good Doctor is now upset that his name was used to promote the product. I guess this demonstrates the power of WSJ.
God blessed me with a liver transplant, and gave me a 2nd chance at life. Having completed my Masters of Science in Strategic Leadership I am dedicated to giving my community and the Planet a 2nd chance.
Let's learn about Alternative Energy and Sustainable living, together.
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