From Scarcity to Abundance

Welcome to the Ambiance of Well-Being ! Here we will focus on Abundance. How to tune into the frequency of positive energy, and create an environment of health, wealth, and abundance.
Buckminster Fuller said during our 1st Energy Crisis in the 1970's. "There Is No Energy Crisis, There is a Crisis of Ignorance". The Information Age is moving us away from the scarcity mentality of the Industrial Era, and has the opportunity to bring to the masses the truth of how the universe works through abundance. The internet can be the perfect vehicle to break through this ignorance, and bring the truth to light. We will strive to show how "Going Green" and focusing on renewable, and alternative energies will build an atmosphere of an abundant healthy environment.

Let's create a Better world together!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Entrepreneurship & Web 2.0

A photograph of the Abessinio Building on the ...Image via Wikipedia

Above is a collage of my recent visit to a class at Neumann College. The course is titled:"STLDR 560 PUBLIC POLICY AND LEGAL ISSUES", however, I was asked to speak on my life experience, my adventures navigating through the M.S. in Strategic Leadership program, and my part-time venture into Entrepreneurship & Web 2.0. Great fun was had by all. It was an energizing and humbling experience. I would like to thank Dr. Frederick D. Loomis, Program Director of the Strategic Leadership program, and the course Professor Seth Williams J.D., who I substituted for because he had to host an event that evening. You see, the Honorable Mr. Williams is also running for District Attorney for the City of Philadelphia. He is not only a great professor, but a dedicated public servant too.

We covered many aspects of the challenges of Leadership, and the fact that the economic crisis we are living through now demonstrates that there is a desperate need for Ethical Leadership. I discussed why I am optimistic about the future. We are going through a transition, and, painful as it seems, we are watching a cleansing of the greed and avarice along with a restructuring of how business is done, and the birth of new industries and paradigms.

You don't have to be in management to be a leader. It is becoming more cumbersome for large corporations to stay at the cutting edge of technology, therefore small businesses and Entrepreneurs are at a technological advantage. So, you may find a leadership position in a large corporation or you can exercise leadership in other ways, such as, being an Entrepreneur.

This is where Web 2.0 comes in. Entrepreneurs will have the advantage over large enterprises when they find the technology gap. When they can offer the intellectual distribution of products and services that people are not aware of yet. Today we are seeing the seeds of two new industries which have explosive potential. The Green economy and the Health and Wellness Industry. I briefly touched on my efforts on doing and learning about a Direct Selling Business and using Network Marketing to promote myself and this business. We talked about the importance of 'List Building', and how to do this with Social Networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn. The role of Social Bookmarking sites like, Diigo and StumbleUpon, and how to tie these in with new technologies enriching communication, such as, videos on sites like YouTube, Metacafe and Dailymotion, along with podcasting at sites like and iBizRadio. We finally discussed blogging and how that can be a business in and of itself. As you can see, we covered a lot of information, and created an opportunity to start many threads of discussion going forward.

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